Photo by: Vincent Lions

Increase productivity and support focus with sound masking

Get expertly designed and tuned sound masking for every environment with the LogiSon® Acoustic Network.

Improve employee comfort and well-being.

Disruptive noises and conversations make tasks harder to complete. Employee concentration is affected, and errors happen more often. Stress levels rise, affecting mood and productivity, making for an uncomfortable workplace environment.

Sound masking systems create a background sound level high enough to mask unwanted noises, and low enough for acoustical comfort.

Photo by: Steve Tsai

Lower project costs

Sound masking can reduce the need for high-spec walls and other acoustic treatments. However, as with all acoustic treatments, the benefits of a sound masking system are maximized when used with other noise control methods.

The investment in a sound masking is also far less than the larger, long-term costs associated with lost productivity and low workplace satisfaction.

Photo by: Vincent Lions

Protect speech privacy and security.

Poor acoustics is the #1 complaint among office-based professionals.

The Center for the Built Environment (which maintains one of the largest post-occupancy survey datasets in the world) points out that the lack of sound privacy has the largest negative impact on self-reported productivity and is the largest source of dissatisfaction for occupants, with 54% dissatisfied.

CBE Occupant Survey
Photo by: Steve Tsai

With KRM's over 40 years experience in sound masking, and numerous industry awards, the LogiSon Acoustic Network is the industry-leading solution for your acoustical needs.

LogiSon is a registered trademark of 777388 Ontario Limited

Ready to get started?

We are always looking for new opportunities to provide sound masking solutions for every environment. Please get in touch and one of our Project Managers will contact you.